September 1, 2012

DIY Chalkboard Water Pitcher

Having just moved in to our new apartment in preparation for going back to school, all of my crafts have been "DIY Home Decor" orientated. This idea actually originated from the boy out of an old GQ issue. Basically we bought a small Brita water pitcher but we knew that we drank too much water to use such a small pitcher. So the boy suggested that we use old wine bottles, fill them up with the filtered water then re-fill the Brita so that we are never without water. Since the idea was so cheap and involved drinking wine I was all over it! I came up with the idea of painting the labels with chalkboard paint as not to confuse it with the wine in the fridge (not that, that would be such a bad thing). I have been dying to try the chalkboard paint and was soooooo happy with the result!


  • Empty Wine Bottles
  • Small bottle of Acrylic Chalkboard Paint (in any desired colour)
  • Foam Paintbrush
  • Masking Tape (I'm sure Painters tape would work even better but I am cheap and prefer to use things that I have around the home)

1. Use the masking tape to tape around the outside of the label. I used little ripped off pieces to tape off the rounded corners. You can skip this step if you prefer an entire painted bottle look.

2. Follow the directions on the acrylic bottle with regards to painting. I painted the wine bottle vertically first, then let it dry for an hour. Once dry I came back and painted it in the opposite direction (horizontally). I sponged over some of the lettering to get maximum coverage.  I found the raised lettering was the most difficult to cover.

3. Leave the bottles to dry for 24 hours. After 24 hours, peel off the masking tape. 

4. And PRESTO! Go ahead and write all your new Chalkboard Water Pitcher.

NOTE: This would also be a great way to label table numbers for a wedding.